Performance is measurable

“What you cannot measure, you cannot control.”

Peter F. Drucker

Performance is measurable: We measure and analyze your organizational culture systematically and based on key figures.

Organizational culture

“Without a sustainable organizational culture, sustainable success is not possible.”

Our analysis results allow us to provide tailored recommendations for action to make your organization more efficient.

time is money

“Time is money!”

Our efficient analysis methods save your time and money.

Performance potential

“Performance potential often lies beneath the surface.”

Our survey method uncovers hidden performance potential and provides information about the quality of your organizational culture.

Systemic causes

“Organizations are systemic and complex.”

We find the systemic causes that create the same patterns over and over again.

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As consultants with a focus on systemic organizational analysis and development, we have expanded our offering to include business consulting, business modeling and operations management.

Soon you will find information on the following topics:

Business succession

Early crisis detection & risk management


Restructuring & Reorganization

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Unternehmensberatung Hösterey GbR - Segelboot, Ruder, Messinstrumente

What you cannot measure, you cannot control

85% of transformation processes are aborted

Despite using consulting services, companies often fall back into old patterns after a short period of time and abandon transformation processes prematurely.

Hard facts analyses alone are not enough

Business figures alone are not helpful here. Hard facts analyses may show that something is wrong, but they do not provide any information about the underlying causes and patterns.

Without a sustainable organizational culture, transformation and success are not possible.

Studies show that companies abandon business model adjustments because neither management nor the workforce are prepared to support the changes. Our organizational analyses create the conditions for getting all players on board.

Performance is measurable

We know the factors that determine organizational culture and therefore organizational success. We measure and analyze these factors so that you can control the performance of your organization.

Don’t leave your organization’s performance to chance

Based on the analysis results, we develop tailor-made fields of action and measures to ensure that your company can meet future requirements.

Your success is our goal.

Unternehmensberatung Hösterey GbR - „Besser werden | erfolgreich bleiben“


Unternehmensberatung Hösterey GbR - „Besser werden | erfolgreich bleiben“
Unternehmensberatung Hösterey GbR - „Besser werden | erfolgreich bleiben“
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