this is us

We work with a network of experts that allows flexible adaptation to different project sizes and different focuses at any time.

Unternehmensberatung Hösterey GbR - Michael Hösterey

Michael Hösterey

Studied economics and corporate health management. Trained business coach. More than 25 years of experience as an entrepreneur and in the management of international companies at home and abroad.

Unternehmensberatung Hösterey GbR - Nicola Hösterey

Nicola Hösterey

Studied art education, German studies and art history. Trainer for communication and conflict management. Many years of experience as a lecturer in adult education at home and abroad.

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Unternehmensberatung Hösterey GbR - „Besser werden | erfolgreich bleiben“


Unternehmensberatung Hösterey GbR - „Besser werden | erfolgreich bleiben“
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